Pedicures, manicures, facials …are these for REAL MEN?
Well it sure does take more than just dressing up to be a gentleman, right?
I have seen a lot of men who find it unmanly to indulge in grooming services.
It’s considered to be the thing only for women.
Frankly speaking a lot is said of a man’s attitude by the way he grooms himself.
Imagine having a great physic packed with the packs and charming looks paired up with great beach wear but not so hygienic nails and an unpleasant odor, could pretty much make u kaput in seconds.
So for starters let’s know what are the services that a man could take to groom himself a whole lot better… cause after all your image is important.

Pedicures: pampering the feet after a long fortnight is just the best way to get through your mid-month crisis (if you have any! ) . Pedicures help the feet skin breath a whole lot better after the dead skin that has been a product of dirt, dust and sweat! This dead skin is not only found on the heels of your foot but also around your nails and they are fondly known as cuticles. These cuticles need to be cut on a timely basis simply to avoid irritation and temptation of you to pull out skin around your nails. Scrubbing of nails too is important to maintain the texture of the base of the nail. Filing and cutting along with cleaning is very important as the finishing touches to a good clean pedicure.
Goes without saying a short foot massage to wrap it up is just the right rejuvenation you need.

Similarly we need manicures too!

Manicure: They are similar to pedicures however they are done for the hands proceeding with the similar flow of cuticle cleaning trimming of nails and filing it to get them to look in their best shape without any sharp edges. Manicure too is complimented with a hand massage.
Facials and clean ups: According to me these two are very important with the various weather changes around us along with our internal changes.
Ever wondered what can men do with black heads, white heads or pimples? Well you go for a cleanup and facial! This is a process where your face goes through pampering a gets itself treated. This is a great rejuvenation for the skin. In this service you are made to get a steam to open up facial pores which have dirt accumulated over a period of time which are gently cleaned and later the pores are closed with a coolant face pack. A facial massage is given using scrubs and packs to provide circulation to the skin externally as well as internally. This massage is done in a particular format to also lift your facial muscles to avoid a few wrinkles here and there, thus leaving a very soft, light and clean look and feel on your face.
Do remember to shave 24 hours prior to your appointment and let the beautician know if you are allergic to any products!
Do treat yourself this weekend to these luxuries cause after all manliness comes by having cleanliness!
Stay clean, stay fresh!

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