Greetings of the New Year! This clearly means we shall be meeting new people at all the parties/lagans/ navjotes we are about to attend as well as start up some new associations with clients.

First impressions are incredibly important. Whether in your personal or professional life, the first conversation you have with someone is important, and engaging in interesting conversation with someone you have never met or do not know very well can enhance encounters that may otherwise be awkward and boring.

So here are the 7 conversations starters according to me that avoid all the boring and superficial small talk  and that can lead to conversations that can be the first step in long lasting personal and professional relationships.

    1. “Tell Me More About You.”
      While “Hello” and “How are you?” are sometimes compulsory formalities in conversation making, starting conversations with something so clichéd can be boring and can easily lead to a series of one word answers. Asking someone about themselves really gets things going. We always love to talk about ourselves, well so does someone else. How about you put yourself at the back seat and let them do the talking. Good listeners make good clients and friends too.
    2. “Your shoes look lovely!”
      Paying someone a compliment is another classic conversation starter, as people are almost always likely to respond positively to a compliment. It can also open up opportunities for further dialogue if the person you are conversing with returns the compliment or can even lead to further discussion about where the shoes in question were purchased. This is not only restricted to shoes but also other things that they are wearing or even what you have pleasantly heard about them.
      Remember to avoid complimenting in such a manner like : “ This dress is lovely it hides your body variations.” That my friend is hardly a compliment.
    3. “What does your name mean?”
      Definitely more interesting question than “What is your name?” Not only does such an unconventional opening pique the other person’s interest but it is also an excellent way to easily open up a discussion about a person’s heritage, background and family history.
    4. “Have you been anywhere interesting recently?”
      Travelling as an activity is tailor-made for giving us great stories! So people are always more than happy to discuss their travels with anyone who offers to listen. If it turns out they haven’t been anywhere, an alternative topic could be travel plans they have for the future or their dream destinations.
    5. “Tell me about where you grew up”
      This is another great starting point because it opens up room for further questions instead of a bland one-word answer. It also is another great ice breaker that provides an opportunity for interesting dialogue about a person’s background, childhood or their personal story.
      For all the one’s who don’t know how to ask about your prospectus spouse life, you may use this line!
    6. “Does this place remind you of anywhere?”
      This is another unorthodox conversation starter that is likely to grab people’s attention. The icebreaker has the advantage of being two pronged – on the one hand it is a great way to encourage conversation about the intricacies and peculiarities of the venue you are both currently at, and it can also provide an opportunity for conversation about any interesting places you have visited in the past
    7. “Is the queue in this place always this long?”
      Commenting on a particular peculiarity about the place or situation you are both experiencing, or even an unfortunate experience you have both found yourself in can actually be an excellent conversation starter. Human beings tend to bond over sharing experiences that are negative and bizarre and in these situations, engaging in some good conversation can make an adverse experience more bearable.

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