We meet a lot of people who invariably look impeccable even after a long day!
We often wonder: “WHAT DO THEY REALLY DO?” Are we “normal” people capable of aping them? How heavy is this image going to be on my pocket? Not really, Jot down these 10 simple steps to you looking great 24x7x365.

    1. Wake Up 15 mins Earlier
      You can’t fully nail this look if you have only 5 minutes to get ready. Wake up 15 minutes earlier than your regular time, so you can pay attention to how you look. You won’t regret it! I recommend – Snoozing the word “snooze” from your dictionary! You Snooze, you loose.
    2. Well Kept Hair
      You could be wearing anything simple /casual/formal/fancy, but if your hair isn’t in the right place, clean and kept it’s not talking well about your values.
      To get you a simple yet good blow dry …
      Try the: Philips HP8658 Airstyler Paddle Brush Hair Straightener, Rs 1,271 from flipkart.com
    3. Attention to Detail
      You can have the best clothes on and your hair well done, your shoes polished, but if smaller finer details like the treads are running out from the hem lines of your clothes or your nail polish is even slightly chipped, or your nails are half broken or bitten – you are making a half impression.
      I recommend you to use a good quality nail polish that stays on for a while. Use base coats (transparent polish) apply your colour chosen and then top it up with the top coat (transparent polish) for a long lasting look. If you choose not to have long nails yet want your nails to look healthy and shiny, you may apply the transparent polish.
    4. Personal Hygiene
      The devil is in the details. And it’s not just restricted to your nails. Waxing, threading, bleaching and regular facials are just as important for men and women. It shows that you care about your appearance and hygiene. Do it at home if you must, if you don’t have the time to go to the parlour, but do it for sure!
      Invest in a steamer and you can use it once in a week to take a steam to open the pores of your face and then use a scrub, to scrub it all out. Apricot scrub by Himalaya is my best friend! At night before you hit the bed use rose water as a tonner to keep your skin hydrated and looking fresh when you wake up!
      For waxing you may use the Veet waxing strips or Philips HP6341-00 Lady Shaver (Rs. 1,595)
    5. Skin
      Your whole look has to be sported with your skin looking fresh and perky! As mentioned above cleanse your skin and keep it clean at all times, however while going to work or for a social visit we must take that little effort of prepping it up more. A BB cream for the women would do the trick to help you even out the tones on your face. Defining your eyes with a kajal eye liner ( Revlon Kohl Kajal Eye Liner Pencil, Rs 225) would be a good option. A fresh coloured lipstick (from MAC /Inglot/Revlon) would be great to go.
      Quick Tip : the darker your lipstick colour eg maroon etc the older you look. However don’t have a very pale colour too it looks washed out.
      Since winter is approaching we could have dry patches on our face . If your skin isn’t that oily use an aloe vera base cream or even gel. This works great for men and women.
    6. Shoes
      A woman judges a man by the shoes he wears, while on the other hand we know that if we give a woman the right shoes she can conquer the world! Keeping your shoes clean and sweat free is important for your skin as well as the skin of the shoes. Air your shoes for an hour before you put it back in the closet. If your shoes are almost on their way out, you might as well say good-bye to them.
      You don’t want to have an image breaker with a chip on your shoes or a torn lace or even worse, a dwindling heel! After all they decide literally – if you can walk the talk!
    7. Wear the Right SIZE !
      You could be wearing the best of brands or designers, but if it doesn’t fit you well, it only takes away from your look. An outfit stands out only when the FIT is right . Figure out a tailor nearby who can help you out with the nips and tucks.
    8. Body Fragrance
      It’s very important to smell good at all times. Some of us use deodorant in place of perfumes and vice versa. Deodorant is used in the armpits right after a shower. The perfume is sprayed on your skin but on the wrist and the neck only. If you spray it on your clothes, the fabric could get hampered. And no! You can’t replace one for another.
      Tip: if a perfume is expensive and you don’t want to waste it when you are off to run a small errand you may opt for a body splash instead.
    9. Treat yourself with something sweet
      Eat a candy or a piece of cake(one piece!) as it is the fastest aid to reduce both psychological and physical stress. Sugar can decrease the production of glucocorticoid – a stress-related hormone linked to decreased immune response and obesity.
    10. Posture & Body Language
      Like I said earlier even if you dress like a million bucks but aren’t standing upright and slouching instead, it isn’t giving out the right image about you. Be aware of how you sit and stand and keep your posture upright at all times
    11. Last but not the least – SMILE!
      You are all ready to go make an impactful impression in the first 3 seconds that you have. The chances of it being a positive meeting in case nothing else works out is the SMILE you radiate. So keep smiling and have a positive week!

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